Studio Studeo 07 – Flemish – Tom’s new ‘parlofoon’



Transcript of the video lesson (scroll for more text):

Welcome to Studio Studeo, the video course for Dutch learners,about the differences in the use of the Dutch language

between the Netherlands and Belgium.

If you did not yet see the introduction video …

Please have a look first, so you know how this course works.

The course is in Dutch, but subtitles in English are available.

Just push the CC button in Youtube.

Let’s start!

Hi Tom, are you still having a cold (or like you call it: “valling”).

Hey Bart, well, I am again ok!

Did you do something interesting this week?

Yes, I did some “klussen” (= verb for DIY / home improvement) in my “woonst”.

“Woonst” is a Flemish word for what you call a “woning” (=a house).

And, did you manage?

In the end yes, but it was not easy. I installed a “parlofoon” at my house.

A “parlofoon” is a flemish word. We call that in Dutch a “deurtelefoon”

or a “deurbel met intercom” (= door bell phone).

And, did you do that yourself?

This time, I decided to do it myself in stead of hiring an “elektrieker”.

An “elektrieker” is in the Netherlands: “een electriciën” (= an electrician)

I found a “zoekertje” on the internet for a door bell phone set.

A “zoekertje” (= advertisement) is a word that we do not use in the Netherlands.

We talk about “een advertentie”.

They delivered it correctly within a day.

But when I tried to fix it at the wall, I saw a “vijs” was missing.

A “vijs” (= screw) is a Flemish word, for what we call a “schroefje” (= screw).

And that “vijs” was needed to connect the door phone with “de terre”.

A you mean “aarde” or “aarding” (= earth). So that’s a word you took from French.

Then I tried it with a “duimspijker”.

A “duimspijker” (drawing pin/thumbtack) is in the Netherlands: “een punaise”.

So, here it is the other way around.

That is a French word with us, and in Flemish you have a Dutch word.

Then I first watched, if these “wijzen” were also sold …

at “het grootwarenhuis” in our street.

A “grootwarenhuis” (= supermarket) we call in the Netherlands “een supermarkt”.

But they did not have it, so I went with the “wagen” to a DIY-store.

Why do you need a “wagen” if it is just 1 screw?

Yes, but we use the word “wagen” as a synonym for a car.

I thought meant meant a “wagen” behind the car.

Because, in the Netherlands, a “wagen” (= trailer) is usually an object on

4 wheels, being pulled by something.

No, I don’t have a trailer.

I just took the car. But on the road back, I got “panne”.

You mean “pech” (= breakdown).

Yes, my car broke down, while driving on the “autostrade”.

The flemish word “autostrade” is equal to the Dutch word “snelweg” (= highway).

And then?

Well, I just could escape to the “pechstrook” (= road verge).

We call that a “vluchtstrook”.

But I did no have my “GSM” with me.

In stead of “GSM”, we usually say “mobieltje” (= mobile phone).

And to find a “telefoonkot” along the highway is not easy.

We say “telefooncel” (phone boot).

So what did you do? “Liften” (= hitchhiking)

“Liften?” In Flanders that is called “autostop doen”.

No, I didn’t need to do that.

My “kozijn” accidentally passed by.

A “kozijn” is a Flemish word for “neef” (=cousin).

In the Netherlands a “kozijn” is the frame of a window, also called “raamkozijn”.

And that is what we call “een chambrang”.

My cousin then drove me (“gevoerd” of the verb: “voeren”).

Were you hungry?

In the Netherlands “voeren” is feeding animals.

Ah, not in Flemish. We use the word “voeren” to drive someone somewhere.

And fortunately, my cousin knows a lot about “elektriek” (electricity).

In the Netherlands: “elektriciteit”.

So together we mounted the door bell phone.

It works and I am “fier” about it.

The word “fier” we know in the Netherlands, but we usually use “trots”.

But ok, in the story has “alweer” a good end.

Yes, but we don’t say “alweer” (=again), but “weeral”.

So that’s another word that we turn around.

That’s it for today. See you next Studio Studeo!

“Saluukes!” (=bye!)