Lesson 17 – clothes

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Clothes in Dutch

Video lesson 17 is about clothes in Dutch. Buying clothes is one of the favorite activities of Dutch women – but that is not something typical Dutch. But for the female part of the population, this lesson about clothing is probably more important than for the male part. Don’t worry, we still have lesson 22 to come about football vocabulary !

Vocabulary list

Nederlands English
de kleren the clothes
de kleding the clothing
de kledingwinkel the clothes shop
de broek the pants
de spijkerbroek the jeans
de trui the sweater
de jas the coat
de rok the skirt
de jurk the dress
de sok the sock (short)
de kous the sock (long)
de schoen the shoe
de klomp the wooden shoe
de riem the belt
het T-shirt the T-shirt
het (onder)hemd the undershirt
het overhemd the shirt
de blouse the blouse, the shirt
het pak the suit
het, de colbert the suit jacket
de stropdas the tie
de strik the bow
de pyjama the pyjamas
de onderbroek the undershorts
de bh the bra
de hoed the hat
de das the scarf
